I might be missing something simple and obvious but don't see unidata 
supporting a-type dict entries:

Top of "ATEST" in "DICT DICTTEST", 10 lines, 16 characters.
*--: P
001: A
002: 1
003: A1
009: L
010: 10
*--: EX
Quit "ATEST" in file "DICT DICTTEST" unchanged.

Illegal attribute name: ATEST

What am I missing?

How would you run unidata in case insensitive mode so that "ABC"="abc"?
On Apr 7, 2011, at 5:24 PM, Mecki Foerthmann wrote:

> Ed, Unidata has always supported A-types and still does, so no
> conversion to I-types is necessary.
> I am pretty sure S-types also work - it has been a while, though :-) .
> AFAIK UD can be run in case insensitive mode as well.
> I always turned case-insensitivity off in D3 because I think it's a real
> pain in the neck.
> Sounded great to start with but when you see the first printouts (i.e.
> invoices) you curse yourself if you didn't turn it off.:-(
> On 07/04/2011 15:44, Ed Clark wrote:
>> I'm guessing that you are converting from d3 to unidata because you are most 
>> familiar with unidata? (and less so with d3). Or is there some other benefit 
>> of moving the application to unidata specifically? If you aren't tied to 
>> unidata, consider Intersystems Cache. D3 migrations to Cache go pretty 
>> quickly.
>> Things to be aware of (from d3 to any other system):
>> 1: D3 is case-insensitive by default. In D3 "ANYTHING"="anyThing". This can 
>> be a deal-breaker.
>> 2: D3 applications (especially older ones) are used to having a lot of 
>> control of the machine via D3 commands. On unidata and other systems you 
>> need to use OS commands.
>> 3: D3 has a rich spooler. Controlling printing on unidata or universe will 
>> be very different.
>> 4: In dictionaries, D3 only supports A-types. Unidata (as far as I know) 
>> only supports D and V/I types. So every dict item would need to be 
>> converted. This in itself could be a couple of months work depending on how 
>> the app uses queries. Cache and universe support both types, so would make 
>> for a much easier conversion.
>> On Apr 6, 2011, at 5:14 PM, Symeon Breen wrote:
>>> Hi I am looking at a little side project to convert an entire system written
>>> in databasic on D3 to run on unidata.
>>> The guy i work with says it is a couple of hours work - I am not so sure
>>> myself. Anyone done this and know what the 'gotchyas' are ?
>>> Cheers
>>> Symeon.
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