> From: Allen E. Elwood
> Anyone need/want the original JES pick basic book, 
> here's your chance to pick it up for a mere $10 spot, 
> give or take a few cents.....

This market could Really use new books that include
platform-specific nuances, communications with different
languages and protocols, and other modern concerns.  But in a
market that gets excited about $10 books that are over 20 years
old, there's just no incentive for authors to create the
material.  I was in a MV user group meeting a couple years ago
where the consensus was that no one reads documentation anyway so
why bother writing or maintaining it.  WTH?  We've collectively
created the market that we live in, and it's being killed off by
the hand of people who claim to love it so well.  I wrote about
the book problem a few years ago:


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