On 19/12/11 13:45, John Thompson wrote:
2) Be sure and buy enterpise SSD's.  For example, an Intel 320 SSD is
probably not an enterprise SSD.  The quality of the firmware/drivers and
flash memory is pretty key on these things, and the prices range from $200
all the way up to $4,000+ a piece.

I'm thinking of memory sticks here, but again it probably applies to cheap SSD drives ... they are often optimised for a FAT filesystem. I've seen reports that using one filesystem on a stick optimised for a different filesystem can write off the entire unit quicker than it's supposed to.

It's a bit like the early floppies and hard drives where a load of info was stored in sector 1. Lose that sector to a disk fault and you've just written off the drive, despite the rest of it being perfectly okay (which is one of the reasons hard drives manage their own bad blocks today). Wear out the wrong sectors on your stick and you're similarly hosed.

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