On 04/01/12 21:06, John Thompson wrote:
So has anyone ever seen or written an init script for Universe on RHEL 5 or
I know some things changed with 6, but, it still seems to have some

Surely that should be added automatically for you by the install?

When I say init script I mean:

An init script is something that you can use with chkconfig to put universe
in the startup and shutdown process of the machine.

Where does RHEL put its init scripts? For my system, they go in /etc/init.d

So for example, if I type reboot as root, the init system will handle the
proper shutdown of universe, and the proper startup of universe, etc.

For example, for the cups printing system on RHEL, you have an init

[root@bas-test-uv ~]# chkconfig --list | grep cups
cups            0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

It will either start or stop in runlevels 3 4 or 5 based on what the script
says it should do, whether you are shutting down or starting up.

I don't know of a command for gentoo that does that sort of thing, but gentoo doesn't have numbered run-levels any more ... :-)

Is there anything like this for Universe on RHEL 6?

If not, do I have to manually shut down Universe every time I reboot the

I could not find one after I went through the install.

And yes I'm assuming you would still have to manually kick everyone off
before the reboot.

If the script has been placed in the init.d directory, all I have to do to add it to the "automatic start" state is run rc-update ...

rc-update add uv default

Which will make the script /etc/init.d/uv run with the argument "start" when the default run-level is entered. And it sorts out all the other stuff like stopping, etc, as well.

I think you need to learn a bit more about how RHEL init works (sorry I can't help you), and then the answer should be obvious.

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