
As we already have working models,   the concern would be things like use of
connection (session) pooling licenses, the ability to return datasets
directly from Universe (we use SQLDirect) and overall performance.

We haven't totally split the tiers but are headed down that path so we'd be
close.     I would be interested in discussing this further.

Mike Randall
IT Director
Taylored Services

732-248-7900  x131

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe and ADO connections

Mike, in response to your question:

mv.NET has an ADO.NET-compliant provider called Adapter Objects. It exposes
the MV environment as tables, rows, columns, and stored procedures for all
CRUD, rather than files, items, attributes, and BASIC programs,
respectively. So the ADO.NET developer gets what she/he needs without being
a Pick expert. The queries to U2 are pseudo-SQL, rather than being something
like SQL-92 compliant. The idea here is that the MV developer(s) collaborate
with the .NET
developer(s) to craft queries with Where, and OrderBy clauses, where we
would normally use WITH and BY. For anything more complex the best approach
is to expose a BASIC subroutine as a stored proc, and accept parameters.

mv.NET includes Adapter Objects to help keep non-Pick people happy, but also
included is Core Objects, which is more of a Pick-like interface. This is a
super-set of UO.NET. mv.NET uses UO.NET as a basic lower-level transport and
wraps round it a more powerful set of functionality.

If you already abstract your UI from the middle-tier and the data (Business
Access Layer=BAL, Data Access Layer=DAL...) then replacing existing code
should not be a challenge.

mv.NET also includes Solution Objects, which generates strongly typed
classes - completely abstracting you away from database queries. This will
be familiar to those who know NHibernate, CSLA, the .NET Entity Framework,
and other ORM tools. You generate collection classes like Customers which
encapsulate instances of Customer, and those might have methods like .Save
or .UpdateSalesRep. So the mechanics of data access are eliminated and the
classes are usable by anyone independent of their experience with RDBMS or

There are also built-in facilities for session pooling, Web Services,
Silverlight, and other common requirements.

Please feel free to contact me for more information, including mentoring and
other services to help with the conversion.

Tony Gravagno   
Nebula Research and Development         
Nebula R&D sells mv.NET and other Pick/MultiValue products      
worldwide, and provides related development services      
Visit! Contribute!    

> From: Mike Randall
> Anyone out there have a list of the various ADO connectors for 
> Universe?
> I'm looking for pros and cons of the various offerings.
> We had been using the data provider from IBM and now have Rocket's 
> version.
> As we have experienced some issues,    I need to know what is
available as
> options to possibly migrate our current web applications over to.
> New management and customer complaints about the web applications
> a bad combination.

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