We use VeriFone's Payware and VeriSheld products with HostAccess.  This 
accomplishes several things for us:
1) all the credit card information is encrypted at the device and is sent to 
Payware encrypted.  This takes the server out of PCI scope, and can take the 
register out of PCI scope.
2) Our coding is limited to the "forms", and talking to VeriFone.
3) We selected HostAccess because it had the hooks we needed to call VeriFone's 
4) VeriFone sends only "PCI approved" data to the server, including the 

Taking the server and potentially the register out of PCI scope is huge for our 
customers and us.  Of course, with everything PCI, your QSA can always have a 
"better idea".

Tom Whitmore
RATEX Business Solutions

>> Harold.Oaks wrote:
>>> I'm sure some of you are implementing signature pad capture to a 
>>> Universe system.  What are you using and doing?
>>> I'd like to look into adding that feature to our jail system.
>> --
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