
I think UniVerse must be fully supported on Windows 7. I just bought a workgroup version for a windows 7 professional laptop. I had to tell Rocket what I was putting it on and their website indicates that it is a supported OS. I'm like you, I would prefer linux; I'm like your users I want it cheap.


On 11/19/2013 09:57 AM, George Gallen wrote:
While I agree what your saying, it may not be certified to work with W7
I'm sure support will still be offered, however, if a unique problem comes
Up, then the excuse (not meant in a mean tone) that your not working with
A supported combination would be the answer, but if it's just something
That everyday support can still handle, I would imagine they would still
Take the $$ to renew a contract (just a guess).

My original response was to keep it isolated on a new W Server machine,
Or at the least isolated on it's own W7 machine. Although personnaly my
True preference would be to go with a linux server vs windows. But it's
Not my say.

But your point is well taken


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of David Scoggins
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 10:13 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] moving UV from one server to another (windows)

No one has pointed out the elephant in the room yet, so I will.  Windows 7
is not intended for this use; while this configuration may "work" for some
values of "work", stability issues can and should be expected.  In
particular, I would expect the network stack to be, unh, "flaky" might be
the best word.

More importantly, Windows 7 is not LICENSED for this use.  I am not
affiliated with Rocket, nor can I speak for them, but I would be very
surprised if Rocket supports this configuration.

This is NOT a good idea; it has "false economy" written all over it.   I
would discourage your client, friend or whatever from going down this path.

David Scoggins

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 2:03 PM, George Gallen<>wrote:

Had someone ask me this question.  They are downsizing their PC's

They have UV currently installed on a Windows Server PC - and each of the
PC's using wintergate to access it.
This server is having some issues, so they want to move UV off of it, and
have it run on one of their "client" PC
Running windows 7.

My thought was that you would install UV on that PC, Then (with the
services off), copy the file structure from
The Server to the PC. Assuming the all the folders are named the same on
both systems for the install. And of
Course remove UV from the Server once all it good.

Should this be all that would be needed?

Will UV function on a Windows 7 PC?
Can it be used as working PC - as well as be a UV server?

Everything I've heard says it should run by itself - but - can it run on a
PC as background service?

George Gallen
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Accounting/Data Division, EDI Administrator
ph:856.848.9005 Ext 220
The Wyanoke Group<>

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