> I fail to find how to turn on logging on Unix under UniVerse

Server side logging is turned on by the client. I can only guess that it was
done this way because you probably only want full logging to debug, and
you'd be looking at debugging a particular connection not all connections,
therefore, client turns on.

We've got a windows client and aix uv and they way we turn on logging is via
the "uvodbc config manager", which is it's own program that gets installed
as part of the client driver. It can also be reached from the standard
windows odbc admin.

Once you've got the page up that shows the connection details - server,
windows/unix, path to uv, path to account etc, you'll notice that the dialog
box/window has two tabs. The tab you're looking at is "Required". Click to
optional and tick server side log.

Now.. what i've noticed is that session details get stored at the start of a
session and don't re-read. So if you've got an open connection, then change
the logging, then do more stuff - your open session does not detect the
change in details.

Ensure that after changing you start with a new session.

Going from memory, I think the log is created where UVTEMP is pointing to ?
On our system this was /tmp. In any case, look for an entry that's named
like "log.TCP.040227.080120.83040"

The file will have a header which indicates what's being logged - eg:

----------------------------------------<my marker>
UNIVERSE.TCP running /uv/bin/uvosrv -R6 /uv.apps/data/imediator -SODBC -CDL
ed63a2e7 imedwa1 169151773
UniVerse ODBC Server Version 3.7
Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2001.  All rights reserved.
----------------------------------------<my marker>

The account in which the session is connected to is /uv.apps/data/imediator,
and the machine that requested connection is "imedwa1" and the other numbers
probably indicate network stuff.

In a non-logging mode all you get are lines like:

Reading request...read.
Responding to the request...

In logging mode you get a lot more detail but sadly, I don't recall a time
stamp as being one of them.
One thing to bear in mind though - enabling logging does slow down the
connection a bit.

Hope this helps,

Andrew Gissing

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