I found some out some more specifics...

Universe spooler hook.
The hook is a script that executes a C program that parses the report
from standard input and determines the columns and headings.  It then parses
the output and generates a Perl script that creates an Excel spreadsheet,
and executes the Perl script.  It then FTP's the spreadsheet file to a
Windows server and sends a message to the user that created the file where
the file can be picked up.

More info can be found by emailing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I do know of such an animal.  There is a guy that wrote a c program that is 
> linked into the spooler.  Once the installation of the software has taken place, 
> all you have to do is assign the printer, print something, and you are off and 
> running with your brand new spreadsheet.  It is really nifty.  He can be reached 
> at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I am not sure if he just gives it away ot charges for it 
> but it is worth whatever you pay.
> > Hi All,
> > 
> >     We are looking for a process, where a report run in UniVerse can feed 
> > direct into excel, with no human action being taken - or as little as 
> possible. 
> > If you have a process or tool where you can do this, and are willing to share 
> > this information, please e-mail. We are on UniVerse 10.0.19 and AIX 5.2
> > 
> >     Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
> > 
> > Thanks and have a great day!
> > 
> > 
> > Donald H. Cutting
> > A. N. Deringer, Inc.
> > D. B. A. / Systems Analyst
> > Tel.  (802)524-8172
> > Fax. (802)524-8297
> > www.anderinger.com
> > Our Service Recommends Us!
> > 
> > -- 
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