Vance Dailey wrote:

We are considering running Linux on our user desktops and I am looking for a
recommendation for a terminal emulation solution. One possibility is to find
a terminal emulation program which runs locally on each desktop under Linux.
A second possibility is to setup a server and use a web browser (such as
Mozilla or FireFox) on the user desktops to access the applications. Ideally
the solution will work on both Windows and Linux desktops given that some
desktops will likely have to remain Windows based. We run Universe 9.6 and
currently use a mix of Dynamic Connect and Wintegrate 4. Our current
emulation is Wyse 60.

I look forward to hearing about any good or bad experiences anyone has had.


We use a Pericom terminal emulator on our linux thin clients. We have it set for ADDS A2 emulation and I think it does Wyse as well. They now have a java based emulator that runs on any platform, either as a stand-alone java application or a browser applet:


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