Brian Leach wrote:
>The data based stuff is pretty recent in terms of Flash, and I 
>guess most of the Flash community hasn't caught onto it yet - 
>after all, it is primarily a tool for content designers (and 
>for some pretty good games too) so most of the people using it 
>are not database minded.

Brian, the Flash and Shockwave people have been working with databases for a
few years now, though you're right that by and large most of those
developers don't "get" the value of real databases yet.  As Craig Bennett
says "All the graphic designers in the audience just stared ..."  They're
approaching it from an artistic view and not an applications view.  They see
a database as a place to put data, like for game scores, but not as an
integral part of an application the way we MV people see it.  For years I've
seen this gap in perception as being an opportunity for MV people to refit
their apps with user-friendly UI's, but MV people don't "get" that either.

The Macromedia-type web developers are very interested in data connectivity
for zero-install or low-footprint clients.  I did a presentation for the
Orange County Multimedia Association a couple years ago (when I was Product
Manager at Raining Data) which included discussion of the MV model,
comparisons with ODBC, using Omnis Studio for cross-platform development and
deployment, and FlashCONNECT as a data conduit from "mainstream" graphical
tools.  The focus was on data connectivity and trying to get them to "get
it", not any one product or technology.  See the following link for demos I
wrote to get from various clients (including Shockwave/Flash) into D3.
(That was over 4 years ago now - whoe!)  The same techniques can be used
with different tools and back-end DBMS environments, so don't let the
FlashCONNECT thing scare you.
Note that I did the Shockwave interface as an installable thick-client,
though it could have just as easily have been a thin-client browser plug-in.
In hind site I probably should have made it thin but my focus was on
demonstrating the variety of technologies - making everything a browser
interface would make it easier for people to get eye candy but would have
limited the scope of the real purpose of the demo.

If someone would like to use Macromedia or Adobe GUI products with U2 or
other MV applications, I'd enjoy providing the communications interfaces for
such a project.

>It wouldn't be a simple or cheap solution, particularly at 
>this stage - writing Flash dialogs is hard work - until 
>someone does something to capitalize on it. There are already 
>plenty of (considerably cheaper) tools that produce flash 
>content without having to use Flash as the actual designer, so 
>it may only be a question of time before someone with the 
>money and time realises the potential there and comes up with 
>a suitable tool. 

Real Flash work is easier than it used to be and much more feature-rich.  As
indicated above I think the issue is getting people to see the value in the
UI as well as the tools that can drive it.  Most people don't understand
Flash and think of it as a toy rather than as a tool - just like people look
down on CUI business software.  Anyone who wants a browser-based GUI,
especially cross-platform, should seriously look at Flash and Shockwave, in
addition to Java.  The big question is "who is your audience?"  If the
audience is Joe internet user then Flash may be better.  If your application
is more extranet-oriented then I'd tend toward Java, depending on the
features required.


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