Hi Rob --
It is the rare table, indeed, that is created with a sql CREATE TABLE
statement in a U2 database.  U2 has SQL as a second language.  It is not
really an RDBMS, but uses a data model very similar to the one used by XML
(a tree or di-graph structure).  

With the CREATE-FILE command a file gets created and then when a dictionary
is populated, it is descriptive of the data (so not quite the same as an
RDBMS that way) and can include sub-fields.  

The database comes pre-loaded with functions on multi-values and
multi-valued sub-values and users write similar functions to lower levels if
needed.  Let me know if that doesn't quite answer the question.  Thanks.

Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.

Take and give some delight today.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jerry Banker
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:30 AM
To: U2-Users
Subject: Fw: XML and U2

I finally got an answer back from Ron Bourret and he has added the U2
products to his XML enabled list of databases. Anybody want to answer his
question? I could do it but I'm kind of busy right now.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ronald Bourret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jerry Banker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: XML and U2

This is to let you know that I've finally added UniVerse and UniData to
the list. You can see the entries at:


Comments / corrections welcome.

(One question I had was whether UniVerse supports multi-subvalued
columns as well as multi-valued columns. There are a number of
references to subvalues in the documents, but the UniVerse CREATE TABLE
command does not seem to support them...)

Thanks for you patience,

-- Ron

> Jerry Banker wrote:
> Ronald Bourret,
> Looking over your list of XML enabled databases I was impressed
> however I noticed that you included IBM's DB2 product but excluded
> IBM's most XML like databases referred to as their U2 product line
> (uniVerse and Unidata). Both U2 products are post-relational and use a
> nested file architecture very much similar to XML design and do have
> XML transformation tools (uniVerse more so than Unidata at the latest
> revision). XML documents can be output through their query language
> and imported into the database through simple commands. Another
> advantage is that the database can be accessed through it's native
> query language or with SQL. You should look into these products if you
> have not already.
> http://www-3.ibm.com/software/data/u2/
> Jerry Banker
> Member U2UG

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