Once you've downloaded ubuntu mate, all that's needed to get
accessibility going is to press alt+win+s. I *think* once this is done
the login screen talks automatically, but in case it doesn't, press f4
at the login screen once the install is finished. I'd recommend the lts
instead of 15.10, mainly because it's supported for much longer, and has
the accessibility ppa preconfigured, which means as soon as a new orca
and accessibility stack is released, you'll shortly get updates for them.
Completely agree about linux accessibility people benefitting each
other, I'm a sonar developer, but I'm also a linux user who depends on
accessibility,and I recommend other distros, such as vinux, ubuntu,
fedora and others, not just my own.
Kendell Clark

Daniel Crone wrote:
> Hello one and all.
> My name is Daniel, and I have used different operating systems through the 
> years.
> I have decided to give ubuntu mate a try.
> I am very new to linux.
> Before starting, I welcome anyone’s words of wisdom for a totally blind user, 
> new to linux.
> I liked the idea of sonar, but I have tried to install several times, and the 
> installer never finished.
> But that could be due to my machine’s being so old and slow.
> From the dvd, sonar worked very well.
> I hope ubuntu will be equally good.
> So, hats off to all, those on the sonar team, and to all on the ubuntu team.
> I would really like for all linux accessibility people to benefit each other.

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