On Tue, 2010-03-23 at 11:27 +0300, Сергей wrote:
> Thank you for your feedback, I'll try to recolor it to purple. What
> about those white dots and lines on the surface? Shall I move them
> closer to the center to make them more visible, or it's unneeded?
> Humanity theme sometimes replaces upstream icons - for example,
> baobab, gedit, system monitor, openoffice, etc. In my opinion, this
> icon is Ubuntu-specific. I doubt that upstream will accept it.
> Cheers,
> Serge.

Hi Serge,
In Humanity , We dont usually change the branding of applications.[Else
there are a lot of icons we would like to change ;p] 
For baobab , the icon was quite old and hence had to be updated for a
default install.
For Humanity-icon-theme we tried to replace all the icons in
Human-icon-theme , The OOo icons were included in the Human theme and
hence done for Humanity similarly several others. A few other changes
have been due to the design team asking us to update the icon.

IMO, Original gwibber icon isnt /that/ bad to warrant a replacement.
And its too late in the UI freeze to make such replacements too.

If you are interested in fixing icons, there are a few open bugs in
humanity you can help out with :-)


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