On Mon, 2010-09-20 at 15:35 -0400, Andrew Starr-Bochicchio wrote:
> What would I not like to be doing? Also simple, being the sole
> decision maker for what goes into the community-themes package or
> other community artwork efforts.

Yes! I'v noticed you havent been very comfortable being the gatekeeper.

Hence, there is a theme TODO in Organize list :
We need to set a clear deadline for when the themes need to be submitted
and a deadline for review too

Now there is an addendum too, "-  [ Dont burden AndrewSB ]" ;-)

Traditionally, most of the community-themes use the murrine engine or
engines which are in the default install.
But, we have new themes coming out, like the Equinox, which use their
own theme engine. 
How do we address that?
Dont these new engines need to be first uploaded to universe with a
needs-packaging bug? And then marking them as depends? 
How soon can those be addressed? Does the Feature freeze apply here?


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