I had the same problem.

My processor is AMD64 and my graphics card is "ATI Technologies Inc
RV350 AP [Radeon 9600]".

I tried the following Live-CDs and all ended with a black screen:
Kubuntu Dapper i386, Kubuntu Edgy i386, Ubuntu Edgy i386, Kubuntu Edgy
for AMD 64.

(I could install from the Alternate CD [Kubuntu Edgy i386], got a black
screen after installation, too - booted in recovery mode, changed "ati"
to "vesa" in the xorg.conf, rebooted, installed the fglrx driver and
changed "vesa" to "fglrx" ... works.)

I tried the following things only with the Kubuntu Edgy i386 (some with
the one for AMD 64, but there seems to be no difference). I always
changed the language to German with F2 and removed "splash" and "quiet"
with F6 to be able to see the progress and possible error messages. (I
left the trailing -- there, no idea what they're for.)

What didn't help me (suggestions from ubuntuusers.de) (but some worked for 
other people on the forum, they may not have ATI graphic cards though):
- Verifying md5sum of the CD (was ok) or selftest (was ok, too).
- Safe graphics mode (xforcevesa) (does not seem to force vesa ... I still had 
"ati" in my xorg.conf and somebody else with an NVidia card had "nv").
- Trying various resolutions and color depths (with F4).
- Pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 (or F2, F3 ... F7, F8) when it hangs. Nothing happened, 
no text console came up.
- Resetting the BIOS to the default settings (this actually screwed some things 
up that I have not been able to fix completely)
- Trying various BIOS settings (see 
http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch03s06.html.de#id2520779  )
- Adding acpi=off apm=off (with F6) (this caused a kernel panic on my computer, 
acpi=off seems to be the offending option).
- Adding acpi=off noapic pci=bios usb=bios (with F6) (this seemed to help 
several people, but not me ... kernel panic, appearently caused by acpi=off)
- Various combinations of the above (with acpi=off kernel panic, without it no 
change, no error message)
- vga=no (no change, no error message)
- vga=normal (no change, no error message)
- vga=normal failsafe (no change, no error message)
- Combining the vga=... with the above options.
- Checking if any of the condensators on the motherboard are burst (they look 
- Checking if there are any metallic objects like screws lying on/under the 
motherboard (uh, no).
- Press F1 and try some of the options listed there:
- nolapic noapci fb=false BOOT_DEBUG=2 failsafe (no change, no error message)
- nolapic noapci fb=false BOOT_DEBUG=3 failsafe (no change, no error message)
(fb=false turns the framebuffer off, that seemed to help some people)
- replacing noapci with noapic in the previous two (that seems to be "more 
correct", but there was still no change and no error message)
- pci=noacpi (recommended for VIA chipset) (no change, no error message)
- debconf_debug=5 and/or boot_debug=3 (no change, no additional error messages)
- xserver=vesa does not work (Knoppix cheat code, somebody else tested it with 
an Ubuntu Live-CD)

Someone here above asked about LEDs:
- During the first half of the boot process (from Kubuntu Edgy Live CD for i386 
and AMD 64), I can turn on/off the Caps Lock LED (by pressing Caps Lock of 
course), then this stops working.
- During the entire boot process I can turn on/off the Num Lock LED by pressing 
said key. Once it hangs up, I can continue to do so for about half a minute or 
so, then this stops working, too (LED stays off).

The CD drive is still making lots of noise at this point, it stops about
30 seconds or a minute after Num Lock stops working.

Rebooting with Alt+SysRq+b works!
(I actually press Alt+SysRq+e for Term, Alt+SysRq+u for unmount readonly, 
Alt+SysRq+i for kill, Alt+SysRq+b for reboot because I read this is what one 
should do ... I don't know if the first three did anything, there is no visible 

What worked (already mentioned above here):
- Add break=bottom (optionally remove quiet and splash) with F6.
- Wait for (initramfs) prompt. Note that even if one has changed the language 
setting / keyboard layout to e.g. German, it's US English again now.
- Type chroot /root 
[the / is on the - for users of a German keyboard ... or use the one on the 
number pad]
- Type nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf, find the modules section, find dri and glx, 
disable them by commenting out those lines with # in the beginning.
[# is Shift+3 on the US keyboard layout]
(There was an nvidia user on the ubuntuusers.de forum, he changed the driver 
"nv" to driver "vesa" to get it to work.)
- Save file with Ctrl+O, confirm with Enter (commands are written at the bottom 
of nano, no need to remember).
- Quit nano with Ctrl+X.
- Type exit and press Enter.
- Type exit again and press Enter, the boot process continues now, a GUI should 
come up after some time.
(The above messages did not mention that one has to do it twice, but when I dit 
it only once, nothing happened. I guess the first exit leaves the 
chroot-environment and the second exit leaves the (initramfs) prompt.)

[edgy][regression][rv280] black screen and console freeze when X starts - drm 

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