I gave a try to the new version :

It doesn't start automatically through the applet.

I tried to run gpilotd from the shell.
I looks like if it's working sometimes :
First fime, it worked properly

Second time :
gpilotd-Message: setting PILOTRATE=115200
(gnome-pilot:22093): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to returned -202: Aucun 
fichier ou répertoire de ce type (no file or directory of this type)
(gnome-pilot:22093): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: timeout was 10 secs

third time : 
gpilotd-Message: setting PILOTRATE=115200
gpilotd-Message: Device Cradle has 0 events
gpilotd-Message: Instanciation de 5 conduites...
and it started...

fourth time : same messages as second time
gpilotd-Message: setting PILOTRATE=115200
(gnome-pilot:22093): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to returned -202: Aucun 
fichier ou répertoire de ce type
(gnome-pilot:22093): gpilotd-WARNING **: pi_accept_to: timeout was 10 secs

and fifth time : same error messages.

Let me know if I can go further in testing.

gnome-pilot needs to be ported to new udev world order

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