Hi Chris,

The "do nothing" plan in this case would result in features being
taken away during the primetime* life of the 16.04 LTS.  If we
knowingly can't support them for even 2 years (likely more like 1
year), should the LTS include them at all?

1- Minimal option:
Just mention that the support will drop in the release notes, follow
Firefox's lead for alerting users.
Stop installing Flash in the Ubuntu installer

2 - Slightly more aggressive than Mozilla:
Turn on click-to-play ahead of Mozilla

3- Aggressive option:
Disable NPAPI for 16.04.

Obviously, we can separate NPAPI vs Flash-NPAPI if we want in the above.

I would rather users realize they also need Chromium/Chrome in their
environments when they first install 16.04 rather than a random number
of months later.  If we don't at least do 1 we're just asking for
trouble,   I think doing number 3 for general NPAPI isn't that out of
the question.

>most sites that use Flash continue to work fine with the exception of things 
>like Amazon Video
I'm guessing most users have switched to Google Chrome for them.  Many
sites that don't need DRM don't use Flash anymore anyway.

I'll see if I can get a better answer for Adobe. Obviously EOY 2017 is
very different than February 2017.

Kind regards,

*First two years, until the next LTS is released.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Chris Coulson
<chrisccoul...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On 12/10/15 20:39, Bryan Quigley wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Mozilla has announced their plan to drop NPAPI support for everything
>> but Flash at the end of 2016[1].  That got me thinking that we might
>> have to drop it sooner than that for 16.04 LTS [2] - which is what
>> happened fro Chromium for 14.04 LTS.   Flash (NPAPI Linux) is also
>> possibly going EOL for Firefox in February 2017 which might be good to
>> talk about again as well.
>> We previously talked about Flash and NPAPI last November [3][4].  We
>> didn't believe at the time that Ubuntu alone had the pull to greatly
>> change Flash use, and I don't think that's changed.
>> If we do nothing for 16.04 LTS, then for Firefox:
>> 8 months after released all plugins (aside from flash) stop working
>> 10 months after release Flash is no longer maintained
>> Flash 11.2 has also become less useful thanks to dependencies on hal
>> [5] which is longer in Ubuntu, so many sites just don't work.  Also
>> getting them to drop gtk2 should make it easier to maintain Firefox.
>> These are really only relevant if we can get Adobe to commit to
>> support Flash 11.2 for longer.
>> I'm happy to ask upstream if we can have some people from Mozilla join
>> us in a UDS session too, but it makes sense to hash this out a bit
>> here first.
>> Thanks!
>> Bryan
>> [1] 
>> https://blog.mozilla.org/futurereleases/2015/10/08/npapi-plugins-in-firefox/
>> [2] 
>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.tech.plugins/sdLQgvG84uM
>> [3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZCVuy4ugDc
>> [4] 
>> http://pad.ubuntu.com/ep/pad/view/uos-1411-adobe-flash-on-firefoxlinux-eol/4MgjOcm3Oc
>> [5] 
>> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/10/fixing-amazon-prime-streaming-drm-protected-flash-13-10?utm_source=feedly
> Hi,
> I didn't feel that the session last time was all that useful - it
> basically acknowledged that Flash on Linux is going EOL and that there
> isn't much we can do about it. What has changed since then and what sort
> of outcome are you looking for that would make an UOS session worthwhile
> for this?
> AFAICT, the outcome at the end of any session will be the same: Mozilla
> will still be planning to drop support for non-Flash NPAPI plugins
> sometime next year, they still won't have any plans to support PPAPI
> plugins, they'll still be investing in Shumway, Adobe will still be
> planning to stop providing updates to Flash 11.2 based on some
> non-public timetable (but we expect it to be sometime in 2017), and we
> will keep distributing Flash 11.2 via the partner archive to all Ubuntu
> releases for as long as it's supported.
> I wouldn't expect Adobe to spend time porting a piece of software that
> they've deprecated and are only providing security fixes for to newer
> technologies (eg, gtk3, away from HAL). Speaking as the Firefox
> maintainer, the current plugin really doesn't cause any problems for
> Firefox maintenance at the distro level (there might be some burden
> upstream, but Flash already works fine in gtk3 Firefox). And I think
> you're over-exaggerating the impact of not having DRM support (because
> of the HAL dependency) - most sites that use Flash continue to work fine
> with the exception of things like Amazon Video, which haven't worked out
> of the box on Ubuntu since we dropped HAL from the default install
> (IIRC, sometime around 2010). If there really was a big demand for this,
> we'd have fixed it 5 years ago. I even wrote a wrapper to make it work,
> but there wasn't much interest in it
> (https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+junk/flash-hal-helper).
> Regards
> - Chris
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