Ralf Mardorf schreef op 15-10-2017 6:22:


On 14 Oct 2017, at 15:52, 蔡瑋倫 <alan23273...@gmail.com> wrote:

1. From the perspective of keyboard typing, "cls" is much easier to type than "clear."

what is speaking against using Ctrl+L ?

Does the existence of Ctrl+L speak against the existence of the "clear" command? So, moot point.

Everybody is free to add any desired alias. If using Ctrl+L is unpleasant, because MS DOS commands are wanted

This has nothing to do with Ctrl+L. This is not a debate about Ctrl+L versus "clear".

, why don't you add it yourself?

He already did that. He is asking for a default.

How on earth can you assume he didn't add it himself?

Not everybody migrated from MS DOS or DR DOS to an UNIX alike operating system, some of us are native UNIX like operating system users or they used e.g. DR DOS

Not everyone uses every command that exists in Linux, that is not an argument for removing all the commands not everyone uses.

So, moot point.

such as the most important shortcuts https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Readline is providing by default

If you want to suggest Ctrl-L again that's fine, but this is not a discussion of Ctrl+L versus a command.

3. Adding alias, instead of renaming, will not affect the backward compatibility of the whole system.

Emulating MS DOS commands isn't good for anything.

The 'dir' command also exists. I do not use it but I use 'vdir' extensively.

If you migrate from one country to another, than it's wise to learn the language of the country you chose to live, instead of continuing to speak the language of the country you previously lived.

This isn't about learning a new language.

The point is that many people use both languages at different times. Having a common "verb" can help with muscle-memory-operations because switching from one shell to another you keep typing either one.

So for instance if you come from a Windows desktop and you work on a Linux server you will be tempted to constantly use "cls", or, if you are like me working more in a Unix shell, you are tempted to constantly use "clear".

ll='ls -l', or not?

I don't know if this alias is a default for Ubuntu

Yes it is. And Debian as well.

, however, while I'm using many aliases, I never ever would use 'ls -l', but other than for 'cls', there is no default shortcut for 'ls -l', this makes a big difference.

So you make it about Ctrl+L again.

I am sorry but your particular preference for a shortcut over a command has very little to do with adding an alias for the command.

I just meant to say here that while I'm not particularly for the idea, I think your arguments are rather bad.

Personally I do agree with your language argument in the sense of not watering down Linux in favour of Windows because:

- I do not like all the short commands
- Clear is a clearer word than cls
- In this case it would be better if Windows moved towards Linux
- I would not hold the same opinion when it comes to something like "move" vs "mv" or "copy" vs "cp" which I think would be very nice if it became Linux jargon.

So sorry for this lengthy message, I back your position Ralf, but only in this particular case because I think the Linux command is better and you shouldn't invite people to use the lesser variant.

So for me it is just based on individual merit.

So I think there is an actual argument against this particular case, that's all.


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