On 3/20/22 8:38 AM, Amit wrote:
The current default GUI of Ubuntu desktop is not very user friendly.

Would you please be specific about what is missin or wrong that makes Ubuntu desktop "not very use friendly"? What would, in your eyes, improve the desktop experience, particularly for the seniors?

"It sucks" is not very informative, and doesn't lead to a useful discussion that can be embraced by developers.

I use Ubuntu desktop all the time; I switched from CentOS during the CentOS 8 fiasco. I find Ubuntu desktop more friendly than Windows 11 by a long shot. In particular, I like the adoption of the "dock" that was introduced (to me) by later versions of the Mac OS more than a decade ago.

One thing I have found in other desktop implementations that would be a help (no pun intended) is a "Help" application. Such a help application would provide at the first level a FAQ list; click on a question and the application displays a short blurb and perhaps a web link to a more complete answer. At the second level, it would provide a front end to a search engine for more esoteric questions. Yes, one could call up a web browser...if one knew how to do that. Or what a "search engine" is. (Ever provide guidance to residents of a nursing home? There are still people who are computer illiterate.)

The icon for the application would be an italic "i" in a circle, to match the icon used elsewhere. Perhaps with the word "help" at the bottom for the completely uninitiated.

(I speak as a guy who has been unofficial computer/network tech support to a surprising circle of friends and acquaintances, including professionals who use computers all the time but encounter a problem outside of their comfort zone.)

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