On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Anand Chitipothu <anandol...@gmail.com>wrote:

> * Standard Ubuntu Distribution doesn't play mp3 files
> * Doesn't come with all Indian fonts (there are some by default but
> more needs to be installed)
> * Adding packages is painful when there is no/slow internet connection.

as some others had pointed out -

get the complete Ubuntu repository - about 4 0r 5 dvd's worth - you have
every conceivable software available on that and use these to install
whatever anyone wants - the only complaint maybe there are too many types of
each software to know which is better ;-)

apton is one good method - meaning after installing completely on one system
you can create an apton cd and use that to make sure all systems are
concurrent - its "probably" also a good way to keep the updates in order

if you have some sort of network configured it should be fairly easy to
setup one location to hold the entire repository and make it accessible to
the network - this will , again, allow folks to install what they want and
at blindingly fast speeds.

However you might want to contro installations because there is enough
trouble contained in these repos if one becomes indiscriminate

Maybe Ubuntu fans won't agree but if you really want a everything in one
distro in which everything works then try Knoppix - but in this you cannot
update without a major struggle, and it has too too many programmes to even
think about .

if you are setting it up for a school a few points to keep in mind

- know what the curriculum involves and what infra they have in place - old
peripherals might not work so well with Linux and that will not just be a
pain but a sure shot way to make lots of enemies.

- know what the teachers are capable of and what they need to know - your
first line of resistance won't be the kids but the teachers who maynot know
what all Linux (ubuntu or any other) is capable off

- see what other schools have done (Rishi Valley have linux for all their

- see if a thin client type of system might work for you ??

- finally - if you are thinking of keeping anything more than 5 computer you
will need to have a few people who are capable of doing what a sys admin
does and also have a system where people know who to contact and ask for
help ,

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