Ok I got some solution so posting here it should help some one else.

To do with a single Public IP address. It requires
either port redirection or layer7 firewalls/reverse proxies such as SOCKS or
perhaps Squid.

One way is to run these streaming servers at different ports as
rtmp://site1.mydomain:8888 ---> your public IP address port 8888 which then
hits the firewall and is redirected:
publicIP port 8888 -----> privateip port1935

rtmp://site2.mydomain:9999 ---> your public IP address port 9999 which then
hits the firewall and is redirected:

publicIP port 9999 -----> privateip port1935

Simple to do and works well.

But in this case when I would like to try

Layer 7 proxies / firewall have to look at the url requested and then

So if some one has got close to this one some idea let me know now.


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