I recently installed Gnome3 on top of Ubuntu Studio and everything seems
to be working great. You can use both if you have the space!

On 29/01/16 15:02, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2016, at 12:00 AM, Daniel M Gessel wrote:
>> Created launch pad account.
>> I’m sure this is a total Newbie question, but is there a 25 word reason
>> for not using compiz/Unity? It feels pretty solid, though I’d like to
>> have more flexibility controlling the environment with my touch tablet. 
> Ubuntu Studio is not specific to a desktop environment, and there are
> plans (but no concrete work) on making Ubuntu Studio desktop agnostic,
> making it possible to choose your favorite DE during installation of
> Ubuntu Studio (when having an internet connection).
> XFCE was chosen when Gnome went Gnome3, and Unity was young, and those
> were different times. A lot of people had the idea that both those DEs
> were moving away from the desktop, which apparently was not true, but
> there is some controversy around both those DEs, and well, IMO there
> isn't a clear candidate for a default DE, if we were to choose one
> today.
> But, since we already do have a default DE, it would require some work
> on changing it - nothing impossible, but still, work that someone would
> need to do.
> And I would like to add this word of advice if you want to become a
> contributor:
> If you have the support of the community here, you can just go ahead and
> do any kind of development as you please.
> Each developer is free to do the things they are willing to do, unless
> having made some sort of a commitment - like say being a project lead,
> or some other kind of lead - where you will be responsible for certain
> things and at least need to make sure they are working and functional,
> but beyond that - since we are all volunteers, no one can order anyone
> else to do anything - which is why it can be hard to make something
> happen, unless you are willing to do some work yourself.
> So, if you really feel like switching DEs is a good idea, keep the topic
> going, and see who would like to work on that. I would rather make
> Ubuntu Studio desktop agnostic instead, and improve how one can make any
> Ubuntu flavor quickly suitable for audio production specifically, since
> the other areas don't suffer as much from generic system settings.
> On that note, when someone installs ubuntustudio-audio, or
> ubuntustudio-audio-core, we should probably let -controls notify the
> user that adding RT privilege might be a good idea, if that hasn't been
> added already. So, that is actually one huge little detail to improve
> the life of any DE user who wants to make music on their Ubuntu.
> /Kaj (Current Project Lead)

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