I installed Studio 18.10 today and then dropped kubuntu-desktop in on top. This pretty much just worked with one exception. After logout I found there were two "Plasma" sessions (as well as ubuntustudio and xfce). On selecting the first of the two and logging in, I found that I had no mouse and no keyboard... I ended up using the reset button. The second "plasma" worked fine when I had rebooted. As happened, while installing kubuntu-desktop I was asked to choose the display manager and because that is what we have been using, that was what I chose. So I went through the packages that get loaded and found sddm was part of it. I found the config screen and switched the DM to sddm. Now there were still two Plasma entries, but one of them was clearly labeled (Wayland)... so ya, Wayland doesn't work. If we are going to add different DEs to studio, we may wish to look into sddm as a replacement for lightdm as it provides a little more info about the session.

Quite honestly, I think we could provide plasma as a DE by changing kubuntu-desktop a very little to give our backdrop and the one tweak for window stacking.

The bigger thing will be changing the chooser plugin for ubiquity.

Len Ovens

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