Sorry to hear about your job situation. I hope it all works out well.


On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 5:16 AM, D. Michael McIntyre
> On Thursday 27 March 2008, Cory K. wrote:
> > Well, once its reattached you can do porn. :P
>  LMAO!!
>  D. Michael McIntyre Un-Cut
>  Starring: D. Michael McIntyre, Silicone Jane, Phaque Huterz, Tubit Skank,
>  Crack Addict #1, Crack Addict #3, Crack Addict #14, Ron Jeremy, Peter North,
>  Tatas the Bodacious, and That Midget Girl from The Naked Mile
>  Format: Blu-Ray
>  Length: 12 hours!
>  Price:  50 for $5
>  > No problem. I'll be around.
>  Lucky for you that American Axle is on strike, and I'm not working.  My job
>  situation totally sucks. I'm going to run out of money soon, and then I don't
>  know what I'm going to do.  I'd like to say it's time to quit pissing my life
>  and my true talent away driving an 18-wheeler, but the last time I went
>  through all of this, I played every card in the deck, and guess what I wound
>  up doing to survive?  Right.  Driving the damn 18-wheeler.  It turns out my
>  true talent is specializing in everything nobody pays you money to do.
>  "We know you wrote the book on Rosegarden, Mr. McIntyre, but how are you with
>  Microsoft Flumbuzzle 3000?"
>  "Does that run on Linux?"
>  "What is Linux?"
>  Sigh.
>  O Shuttleworth, I need rescuing badly.
>  Uh...
>  Anyway, sorry to say, I gave it the ol' college try dude, and even risked Mr.
>  Winky, but I can't figure this out.  I guess you're whining about the way
>  QJackCtl doesn't look all dark gray like the native stuff.  All I can find is
>  stuff that makes GTKn apps look more like QT, and not the reverse.  I thought
>  looking at everything from a GNOME-native perspective might give me some
>  insight, but no, I have no clue.
>  A monumental waste of effort and energy, I'm afraid, but I do hope you won't
>  get all pissy about how nobody is ever willing to help you.
>  I tried.
>  BTW, I had a broken window manager again, and no Kubuntu influences this 
> time.
>  Started with plain Ubuntu, installed "ubuntustudio-*" and when I logged back
>  in, no window manager was in evidence.  Same problem I have on an unofficial
>  Kubuntu Studio Gutsty.  Doesn't look like it's related to swapping GNOME out
>  after all.
>  All we are is piss in the wind.  --Kanvas
>  --
>  D. Michael McIntyre
>  --
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