On 11/4/06, Nik Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can I just point out that :
> Approval Application needs to take some level of  precedence this wee,
> if not tommorow.  Jono got up and showed a world Map of  LocoTeams in
> who were Approved and who were awaiting approval. He stood in the Expo
> and   told people that we would be getting approved very soon. So
> forgive me if I want to draw everyones attention to the link and ask
> people to consider how and why they contribute to the UKTeam
> application. Once you have done that then lets go back to looking at who
> gets to take the flak for the next 12 months. Please this is very
> important to Jono and to me and to a number of UK Ubuntu developers so
> can I ask we just agree to the following
> Lets look at the application
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/ApprovalApplication

This looks like a great application to me. I like the Ubuntu Buddies
and the Developer Mentoring, in particular. Forgive my ignorance about
the process you're describing, but what do you mean by approve?

> Then set next Saturday as the closing vote for UKTeam Leader

I think I agree with an earlier message in the thread. You're already
the leader. Your first task is to set up a process for picking the
next one, in a year.



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