-------Original Message------- 


From: Sean Miller 

Date: 11/05/06 08:11:13 

To: British Ubuntu Talk 

Subject: Re: [ubuntu-UK] top posting row (was Uk Loco team forums) 


Ian wrote: 

> But I was not here to make a date. And I see other top posting OK. 


Indeed, I'm sure they do, but that doesn't negate the fact that in doing 

So *they* also make life very difficult for Digest subscribers... 


But the sarcastic response and the fact that you top posted again in 

Your reply suggest that you are not a man who is about to instantly 

Change his ways so I shall just leave you to ponder my example and see 

If you eventually see what I was trying to say. 




 Oh I change when its necessary and have for 72 years, but just to do so
because someone said it should be so, is not my way. As for digest readers,
I receive digests of seven lists and have never found it difficult to follow
a thread up or down, just need practice.


Oh by the way I un subbed twice but still receive. Perhaps your system is
not working?








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