If I was a millionaire, this would be near the top of my to-do list -- 
build a real dalek, controlled by a PC inside, running Ubuntu or 
something similar, programmed to do dalek things and question any 
visitors to my home.

Anyone interested in building a dalek should probably go to

If you join the forum you get a free manual to build your own dalek.

Or visit

I have also seen old daleks from either Doctor Who films or the old TV 
series for sale on ebay.

Someone has built a PC shaped like a dalek at
and one like a Tardis
http://www.asqi21.dsl.pipex.com/tardis.htm - I love the DVD tray on this
and a car shaped PC running Linux

David King

Johnathon Tinsley wrote:
> If only I had the time, money, and knowledge, it would be so cool to
> build a Darlek actually running Ubuntu. Fit-pc[1], plug pc, or something
> like that... That and my 9 year old cousin would love it if he could
> make it do stuff, and record it's voice ;-)
> [1] http://www.fit-pc.co.uk/


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