David King wrote:
> I wonder what a Dalek running on Ubuntu would be like?

Well for starters, there'd be none of these legacy proprietary 
limitations regarding stairs (unless there were outstanding patent 
issues with this technology).

All Daleks would be a tasteful shade of chocolate brown with the 
exception of the "cult of K" Daleks which would be instantly 
recognisable by by the blue colour, lots of unnecessary flashes and the 
way they prepend a "K" to the names of their komrades.

Several companies would also start to commercialise the Dalek race for 
their own purposes, adding builtin integration with a large starcloud 
services providor to allow the modified Daleks to access their services 
to send messages and search for the most efficient way to exterminate 
their targets.

Some Dalek experts would criticise this approach and suggest that 
latency in deep space could become an issue whilst communicating through 
busy wormholes whilst purists would suggest that "googleks" could become 
totally reliant on these third party services, compromising their 
ability to exterminate impartially.

Currently, however, all existing Daleks run a optimised version of the 
Microsoft Windows 7 Dalek Ultimate Edition operating system.

http://dalek.microsoft.com/en-us/ultimate/FX101674081033.aspx :

"Windows 7 Dalek Ultimate Edition contains a number of game changing 
features and patented extermination methods to deliver an award winning 
experience all round.

The exclusive ability to Reboot at Random (RaR) has been at the core of 
all Windows 7 Dalek editions since the initial release and has not left 
them since. Indeed it continues to keep thousands employed as engineers 
wormhole across space and time to restart Dalek Terminal Services from 
the console, helping to stimulate the economy."


feel free to expand & elaborate I'm too tired to continue....




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