
up until a few weeks ago, I was quite happily able to download the real
streams from the BBC, convert them to MP3 and play them in the car.

What happened a few weeks ago ?  Well dear old auntie stopped including a
link to the real stream in the iplayer meta data.

Does anybody know if they are going to start using real again or is this
feature totally dead. 

It seems as if it's alright for 'doze users, they can download the
streams in the player provided but for Linux users all we are given is a
crippled player.

Also can somebody tell me why the BBC are so keen on 'Podcasts' which is
as proprietary as they come but not so keen on just putting good old
MP3's on the site to download ?  It irritates me when they bleat about
'Podcasts' but they won't say 'Hoovering'.  Why should Apple's product
be any different 0- why should I as a licence fee payer provide Apple
with free publicity ?

Apart from me sitting down and reverse engineering the javascripts that
the iplayer seems to rely on to obfuscate the retrieval method currently
used, does anybody know of any other methods to be able to download
streams again available to a Linux user ?


ubuntu/uk-2009-11-07.tx                                        ubuntu-uk
| Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4FCU, Bodger          |
| Mob +44 (0) 7973 831245      Skype: dave.restall             Radio: G4FCU  |
| email : d...@restall.net                     Web : Not Ready Yet :-(       |
| People that can't find something to live for always seem to find           |
| something to die for.  The problem is, they usually want the rest of       |
| us to die for it too.                                                      |


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