On 10/06/10 21:19, Alan Bell wrote:
> Email is good when you just want one answer to a question. If you want
> someone to help you do something then IRC is better. People don't reply
> to emails saying "I have no idea" because it isn't a particularly useful
> response and a few hours later someone else might read it who knows
> exactly what is going on.
> So your current situation is that you have a working Ubuntu
> installation, but if you hold shift to get to the grub menu there is
> some kind of issue with the recovery console. It isn't clear to me why
> you are attempting to go to the recovery console if the main desktop
> works. So far I think you have described the issue with the recovery
> console as a total freeze, with no additional information available upon
> which to base a diagnosis.
> Alan.

Isnt it funny really, you are all too busy to answer an e-mail, because 
you are all volunteers, yet you arent too busy to chat quite avidly 
about games and things like that on IRC. From what I see that happens 
all day on IRC. No wonder you dont have the time.

Yep, really helpful.


Ubuntu User #30817


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