On 10/06/10 23:21, Alan Bell wrote:
> John Matthews wrote:
>> Ok, I dont know what else I can tell you. What I have told is all that
>> happens. I click on the recover link under the kernal when in the grub,
>> and it freezes after about 20 secs. Nothing else happens, no script
>> comes up, no other boxes, I cannot get into a terminal. It just freezes.
>> That is all that happens. So if something happens again, when I update
>> to do a partial upgrade, I cant do anything to fix it, as I done have
>> access to recovery when booting.
>> Please excuse me when I ask, what value is there, for me to post about
>> similar bugs. I just dont understand what that will do to help. I am
>> just telling you exactly what happens on my pc. Please help me to
>> understand what that will do to help you, then I will try to find those
>> similar bugs again.
>> John
> As well as you providing helpful information to the developers about how
> you have reproduced a bug if you can find one that is similar there are
> often suggestions in the comments of bugs (or answers) which may give me
> a clue as to what is going on with your problem, and how to fix it, even
> if they don't sound that helpful to you.
> So if you just turn on the PC it normally boots straight to the login
> screen, you only see grub if you hold down shift whilst powering up?
> Alan.

The grub appears as its booting up. It has a list of two kernels with 
recvoery underneath and a few other things, including the xp partition, 
that I tried getting help for months ago, but that didnt get anywhere 
either. I then learnt by accident, that this grub had a bug, which wasnt 
posted about until after I had done the partition, and screwed it up the 
first time, and tried again, giving myself two ubuntu partitions and an 
xp partition, if you added more than two things to a partition it 
screwed up the windows partiition. When I initially did the partition, 
it f******D up my xp, which was just installed by the people who 
repaired my pc. So I can only use Ubuntu on this pc. Screwed there.

The kernels are Ubuntu 2.6.32-22 and .21, Plus a couple of other things 
like I already posted about.

Sorry, I am too tired, been at this for way too long.

Ubuntu User #30817


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