Your real experiences may be key to the Royal Society's investigation, 
I do hope you can seriously consider contributing. if nothing else, 
almost a straight copy and paste of what you are saying here is 
information which paints a valuable picture to them. And they may be 
getting very different stories  from vested interests.

best regards

On 26/08/10 09:16, Dianne Reuby wrote:

> My daughter had 5 IT teachers in one year - one took their coursework to
> Australia when he left, so she got very low marks. The next year I told
> her brother to email his coursework to me from school - needless to say,
> he didn't bother, the system crashed, no backup, no coursework, he too
> got very low marks. For my third child, it was very much a case of
> "You've got a free period - go and teach GCSE IT!" And this was in a
> school which is one of the very best in our town, and which I'd
> recommend to anyone - except for IT.
> And yet it can be exciting, school visits love looking at the old
> machines, looking at how components and machines work, putting pieces
> together, learning about the impact on business, on our social lives.
> Darn, this has turned into a rant. But I do find it so depressing!
> Dianne
> On Thu, 2010-08-26 at 07:10 +0100, alan c wrote:
>>  or nearly that, anyway.....
>>  Article:
>>  Royal Society opens inquiry into why kids hate tech
>>  Lessons that is, not games, mobiles, Facebook:
>>  http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/08/25/royal_society_schools_computing/
>>  'exam results have shown computing subjects are failing to grab kids'
>>  attention'

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