On 28/08/11 17:46, John Levin wrote:
I've installed zotero standalone 3.0beta1 on Ubuntu, from a tar.gz
package. (http://www.zotero.org/support/3.0) Everything works, and I've
added a menu entry. But as it stands, it's installed localy, for me
only, and not for all users on the system. This doesn't really bother
me, in that I'm the only user of this laptop, bt out of interest, is
there any way of installing tar.gz packages system wide?

Hi John,

tar.gz isn't technically a package. It's a "tarball" of some files/directories that has then been gzipped.

It could contain (for example):

* a pre-compiled application
* an uncompiled source tree
* a web-based app (like wordpress)
* anything else.

So to answer your question. No. It entirely depends on what is in the tarball.

A pre-compiled application might also come with its own install shell script which puts the files where the developer feels is correct. This may, or may not be where your distribution would like them to be.

Take a look at the FHS[1] for a decent take on what is supposed to go in which top level directories.



[1] http://www.pathname.com/fhs/

(I'm on ubuntu 10.10, btw)



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