On 28 August 2011 17:46, John Levin <technola...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi all,
> I've installed zotero standalone 3.0beta1 on Ubuntu, from a tar.gz package.
> (http://www.zotero.org/**support/3.0 <http://www.zotero.org/support/3.0>)
> Everything works, and I've added a menu entry. But as it stands, it's
> installed localy, for me only, and not for all users on the system. This
> doesn't really bother me, in that I'm the only user of this laptop, bt out
> of interest, is there any way of installing tar.gz packages system wide?
> (I'm on ubuntu 10.10, btw)
A tar.gz is an archive rather than a package. Traditionally you could
uncompress the package in /usr/local or /opt as root, which would make it
available to all users.

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"Is this your sanderling?"

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