
I found this distro and would like to thank the developers.

I would like to use it to install only the free (as in freedom) parts to a Kyocera 7135 smart phone. It has a Motorola 68VZ328 processor that works without MMU. I understand that uCLinux works with this hardware.

Will you please give me guidance about how to connect to this device? I suspect I should connect with minicom through the USB or serial interface supplied by the phone. Is this correct? Is there a howto about that?

If you can give me some pointers about the nonfree parts that you know exist in uCLinux it would help me free the OS also.

Thank you very much for your help and keep trucking! :-)
Quiliro Ordóñez
09 821 8696
02 340 1517

"No se puede sacrificar la libertad por ningún bien, por ninguna promesa de pan o de paz o de justicia, porque ese pan tendría amargura de veneno, esa paz sería de muerte, y esa justicia no sería justicia humana ni tendría sentido." Alfredo Pérez Guerrero

"Não se pode sacrificar a liberdade por nenhum bem, por nenhuma promessa de pan ou de paz ou de justiça, porque esse pan teria amargura de veneno, essa paz seria de morte, e essa justiça não seria justiça humana nem faria sentido." Alfredo Pérez Guerrero
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