
I tested my script by hand, giving it one argument, the file name, and it seems to 
work fine.

But I got some problems with udmsearch. It seems indexing a directory full of .doc 
(that are decoded when I do the test by hand) that udm indexes nothing...

I am wondering about the MIME type associated with my script. I created the following 

AddType application/unknown     \.*
Mime application/unknown        text/plain              
"/argosnet/system/udmsearch/bin/udm-gw $1"

to force *any* data not skipped to be pushed to my script...

Of course, I also add to deal with:

DisallowNoMatch \/$|\.html$|\.shtml$|\.phtml$|\.php$
DisallowNoMatch \.htm$|\.shtm$|\.phtm$
DisallowNoMatch \.txt$|\.txt\.Z$|\.txt\.gz$
DisallowNoMatch \.doc$|\.doc\.Z$|\.doc\.gz
DisallowNoMatch \.ps$|\.ps\.Z$|\.ps\.gz$|\.eps$|\.eps\.Z$|\.eps\.gz
DisallowNoMatch \.pdf$|\.pdf\.Z|\.pdf\.gz
DisallowNoMatch \.zip$|\.rar$|\.zoo$|\.lha$|\.arj$|\.lzh$

While my script does all the job...

Weird, isnt it ?

Laurent LEVIER
IT Systems & Networks, Unix System Engineer
Security Specialist

Argosnet Security Server : http://www.Argosnet.com
"Le Veilleur Technologique", "The Technology Watcher"

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