All the common stuff...

Allow, Disallow, Mime, ...
Here it is...

# Indexer configuration file for local data (7 days timeout)

DBMode single
SyslogFacility local7

LocalCharset iso-8859-1

#Affix en en.aff
#Spell en en.dict
#Affix fr fr.aff
#Spell fr fr.dict

MaxDocSize 8388608

HTTPHeader User-Agent: 'UDM-Search/3.0 (compatible; UDMSearch; Linux; RH 6.2)'
HTTPHeader Accept-Language: fr, en

ForceIISCharset1251 no

# 7 days
Period 604800

# 30 days
#Period 2592000

Tag 0

MaxNetErrors 16
ReadTimeOut 90

Robots yes

Clones no

TitleWeight 2
BodyWeight 1
DescWeight 2
KeywordWeight 2
UrlWeight 0
UrlHostWeight 0
UrlPathWeight 0
UrlFileWeight 0

IspellCorrectFactor     1
IspellIncorrectFactor   1

NumberFactor 1
AlnumFactor  1

MinWordLength 1
MaxWordLength 32

DeleteBad yes

DeleteNoServer no
#DeleteNoServer yes

Index yes

Follow yes
FollowOutside yes
MaxHops 16

#### Apache directories
Disallow \?D=A$ \?D=D$ \?M=A$ \?M=D$ \?N=A$ \?N=D$ \?S=A$ \?S=D$

# Files starting with a dot and parent dir
Disallow ^\. \/\.\.\/

# XNet mirror timestamp & wget
Disallow XNlastmirror\.XNet \.listing

# Image formats
Disallow \.gif$ \.jpg$ \.jpeg$ \.bmp$ \.tif$ \.tiff$ \.tga$
Disallow \.xpm$ \.xbm$ \.png$

# Video streaming
Disallow \.ra$    \.ram$ \.mpeg$ \.mpg$ \.mp4$ \.divx$ \.mpe$ \.vdo$ \.avi$
Disallow \.movie$

# Sounds formats
Disallow \.wav$ \.au$ \.mp3$ \.mid$ \.rm$ \.aiff$

# Documents formats (not dealed)
Disallow \.ppt$ \.3ds$ \.mdb$ \.dbf$

# Ciphers
Disallow \.md4$ \.md5$ \.pgp$

# Binaries
Disallow \.exe$  \.dll$  \.bin$  \.class$

# Misc
Disallow \.vrml$ \.wrl$ \.rpm$ \.cpt$ \.bms$ \.oda$ \.tcl$
Disallow \.o$    \.a$   \.la$  \.so$  \.so\.[0-9]$
Disallow \.pat$  \.pm$  \.m4$  \.am$

# Not dealed Archives
Disallow \.hqx$ \.cab$
Disallow \.r[0-9][0-9]$ \.a[0-9][0-9]$

AddType text/plain              \.pl$ \.js$ \.txt$ \.h$ \.c$ \.pm$ \.e$
AddType text/html               \.html$ \.htm$ \.phtml$ \.phtm$ 
AddType text/html               \.php3$ \.php$ \.php4$
AddType image/gif               \.gif$
AddType image/x-pixmap          \.xpm$
AddType image/x-bitmap          \.xbm$
AddType application/unknown     .*

Mime application/unknown        text/plain              
"/argosnet/system/udmsearch/bin/udm-gw $1"

At 13:07 14/12/2000 +0400, Alexander Barkov wrote:
>What commands are in included files?
>Laurent LEVIER wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After investigating everywhere, seems that a file I include is not read.
>> Changing the DeleteNoServer in this file does not change anything, but in the main 
>one it changes the behavior.
>> My main file looks like:
>> DBAddr  mysql://udmsearch:udmsearch@localhost/udmsearch_hackbooks/
>> Include /argosnet/system/udmsearch/etc/indexer-7days.conf
>> Server          file:/datadir/localdata/data1/
>> Alias       file:/datadir/localdata/data1/
>> So I have some questions:
>> Does someone know:
>> If tab can be used as separator (and spaces, ...) ?
>> Is it possible to have a debug level indicating how the configuration has been read 

Laurent LEVIER
IT Systems & Networks, Unix System Engineer
Security Specialist

Argosnet Security Server :
"Le Veilleur Technologique", "The Technology Watcher"

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