We did't fix this yet :-(

Caffeinate The World wrote:
> i've had this problem since they implemented cache mode. i've written
> about it several times (in detail). however, it appears that no one
> knows what it is. at first i thought it was my alpha 'til your email.
> maybe alex or serge can help. i've also provided back traces as well.
> i'll wait. for now, i'm indexing but running splitter when the files
> are around 2MB.
> --- Zenon Panoussis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Caffeinate The World skrev:
> > >
> >
> > > > I run splitter -p and finish fine. I then run splitter and,
> > > > halfway through the splitting, crash: segmentation fault, or
> > > > just a hang, core dumped. So I restart splitter and next time
> > > > finish fine.
> >
> > > what machine are you on? Alpha? OS?
> >
> > Intel PII, RH Linux 7.0 with 2.2 kernet.
> >
> >
> > > i had the same problem and i sent a message to the mailing list
> > > describing how i corrected it.  search for "core" and "splitter"
> >
> > Found it. My dump appeared at a different position than yours,
> > at 076, but was just as persistent at yours. Also, the premises
> > are similar: I had run indexer for a long time and I had five
> > 31 MB files waiting to be split. Splitter choked every time on
> > the third one of them. This has never happened before or after
> > when the logs have been smaller than 31 MB, so I'm just re-running
> > smaller chunks at a time.
> >
> >
> > > can you check another thing? i've never seen my splitter split the
> > > lasta file "FFF.log". do you get that file? it goes as high as
> > FFE.log
> > > only.
> >
> > Indeed, last night I saw it stop at FFE.log . But I have had files
> > at tree/FF/F/... , so I assume that other times it went all the
> > way to FFF.
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