"Mulindwa, what has Buganda/Baganda to do with this
issue at all ? It seems you can't sleep properly if you haven't said
something negative about Buganda on that day "
The answer is EVERYTHING
Hardly anything will be done in Uganda without envolving bUGANDA or the baGANDA.  It makes the day go shorter once you start talking about either and win yourself a few anti-buganda chitijens.
It is one way to hoodwink feeble minded people.  Say something bad about Buganda?Baganda, they will think you are on their side -very gullible indeed.  Praise Buganda, you are a tribalist!
-------Original Message-------
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 11:17:11 AM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Zionists using spoofed email to sow disunity...
I somehow sensed our friend was going to bring up Buganda in this one, I was
just wondering when. Mulindwa, what has Buganda/Baganda to do with this
issue at all ? It seems you can't sleep properly if you haven't said
something negative about Buganda on that day ! You are just as raving mad as

As for moving the capital, I for one wouldn't give a toss, and I can assure
you I'm not the only one.


>From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: ugnet_: Zionists using spoofed email to sow disunity...
>Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 17:44:04 -0500
>I am not in this discussion and do not even want to join it for several
>reasons, many netters in Europe and North America are having a hard weekend
>for the hours are shifting this week end, many wonder when to go to bed or
>to wake up. Bwanika can not be different from all of us, so I just passed
>and wanted to move on, secondly I love forum members who knows why they are
>in forums, but not those who attack people that they do not even know of.
>Walker a Uganda? I do not know and I do not care, what I care about is what
>Walker posts and I have taken time to read almost every single posting he
>has done. I have no problem with the man.
>Having said that this is what has pulled me into this very disappointing
>issue. Mitayo you say and I quote "I would be surprised and very
>disappointed if he really means what his note says!!"
>Bwanika is a follow up of Buganda politics, and if you have followed issues
>in our country you would by now know that there will never be an adult
>discussion on Buganda Uganda issues openly, for the only defence is "You
>not a Muganda, You are against Buganda, You are against Luganda, the
>Northerners are against Buganda, every body on the orbit against Buganda..
>This is a statement some of us have heard for ages and we know it is a
>sentence of people running away from facts. Last week-end I posted a
>where I went into detail on how we can solve this problem of Buganda Uganda
>and Kampala being a capital. A very prominent Ugandan sent me a private
>that Mulindwa one day you will understand why hating Buganda does not help
>you. Now how can I as Mulindwa hate Buganda my own tribe? But that shows
>that he has no ability to debate what you have put on the table for it
>to him that it will solve half of Uganda's problem. So we end up with
>Buganda not bringing up suggestions but complaining and complaining always.
>actually many leave in utopia. So we as Ugandans who want to move on we
>okay Kampala is the problem, let us move the capital, that scares the crap
>out of them for they do not want to build it, well then build your own head
>quarters in Bamunanika? Well if they can sell their own Masiro how can you
>guarantee Bamunanika? So some how Uganda as a government I think must move
>into Buganda to protect what is culturally important to our nation. By
>putting very stringent measures on properties and services provided by
>Buganda to Baganda for if the government had done that, Teefe Bank would be
>open to today.
>So with that kind of thinking, Bwanika is just taping into the thinking of
>numerous Baganda, he needs to know whether Walker is a Ugandan, and if he
>says yes then he will want to know whether he is a Muganda and from which
>clan. Remember it was the same Bwanika who asked UN to cut off Chris
>computer. It is this thinking that has driven Buganda into the woods, that
>is why you see that today we have witch craft to the utmost. So I think
>Bwanika was brought up that way and we can only try to change him. Whether
>we can succeed is a debate of another week end.
>Brother Walker well come aboard, I did not say that when you came on
>Ugandanet for I thought you belonged here and I am surprised to see the
>behaviour of a loner.
>All be well
> The Mulindwas communication group
>"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 4:20 PM
>Subject: Re: ugnet_: Roy/Bwanika_: Zionists using spoofed email to sow
>I read Bwanika's piece to Roy, this morning, and my impression up to now is
>that either I miss something or we have here a typo from Mr. Bwanika.
>It is so uncharacteristic of Bro Bwanika to stoop so low, I am baffled!!
>Since sometimes Bwanika's English is mangled I still think he meant
>something different from what his note seems to imply, otherwise it is now
>then a moment of plenty of sadness.
>Bwanika has always been a sober man (except may be on what transpired in
>Luwero). I would be suprised and very disappointed if he really means what
>his note says!!
>Roy has never killed anybody or associated with mass murderers !!
>Roy is very much at home in the Ugandanet community!!
>Sorry Brother Roy about all this, but be assured you are among brothers and
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>"Ivinicus factus sum veritabem diceus." ( I have become an enemy for
>speaking the truth ) St Paul!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>Mitayo Potosi
> >From: "Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Mr. Bwanika,
> >
> >Roy has more rights to being on Ugandanet than you being in Sweden or
> >wherever you're domiciled in Europe, my dear deluded ndugu.
> >
> >And in terms of cause and effect (which a self-acclaimed social scientist
> >as you should meticulously -- I should say instinctively -- strive to
> >identify), you couldn't be more ludicrously off the mark. The cowardly
> >of the Zionist spammers has nothing to do with Roy "invading" Ugandanet.
> >
> >But then, northern Uganda is up in flames because you "invaded" Sweden.
> >you may be right after all.
> >
> >vukoni
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; dbbwanika db
> > Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 7:56 AM
> > Subject: Re: SV: ugnet_: Zionists using spoofed email to sow
> >
> >
> > In a message dated 10/27/2002 5:37:32 AM Central Standard Time,
> &gt;[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It serves you well - when you invaded Ugandanet did ever know the
> >difference between uganda America -
> >
> > there you go again.
> >
> > bwanika
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I did not invade ugandanet I was drafted into ugandanet -- I was
> >enrolled into it and had no previous knowledge of its existence, I
> >I was drafted into it because who did so appreciated my background as a
> >Nkrumahist ...frankly I really do not understand the context of your
> >message
> >
> >

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