
There is nothing new in what dictator Museveni is spewing; this nothing new to most of the world. Anyhow, it is good news that he seems to be learning something -- the bald headed one has come a long way since his banana barter trade policy with Cuba!


>From: "emmanuel musaazi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: ugnet_: Museveni in America
>Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 15:55:04 -0500
>UGANDA: President pleads with developed nations to end protectionism
>KAMPALA, 4 Nov 2003 (IRIN) - Uganda’s president, Yoweri Museveni, on
>Monday made
>an impassioned plea to governments in the developed world to end
>protectionist trade policies which prevent poor countries from
>competing effectively in the global marketplace.
>He was speaking at the 53rd plenary meeting of the 58th session of
>the United Nations General Assembly in New York, as part of a
>five-day official working visit aimed at promoting business and
>tourism opportunities for Uganda.
>A presidential press release quoted Museveni as saying that
>desperate poverty and aid dependence would continue in Africa “as
>long as the United States, European Union and Japan continue
>practising protectionism by closing their markets to products from
>He mentioned punitively high tariffs as one feature of world trade
>that would need to be fixed if developing countries are to have any
>chance of lifting themselves out of poverty.
>President Museveni criticised efforts made so far to develop African
>economies through exporting cash crops and other raw materials.
>“There is no way an economy can develop that is solely dependent on
>agricultural and mineral exports in their raw form”, he said, “The
>real solution to Africa’s persistent poverty lies in the
>diversification of the economies of the developing countries of
>He gave the example of coffee and noted that the total coffee
>business in the world stood at US $71billion, but only US $500
>million went to producing countries.
>Last September, World Trade Organisation (WTO) talks in the Mexican
>resort town of Cancun collapsed after the developing countries
>walked out. They complained that the United States, Japan and the EU
>were being insincere and one-sided in their efforts to “open up
>They said trade tariffs on finished products from the developing
>world were too high. They also complained that massive agricultural
>subsidies from the US and EU governments gave big agri-businesses in
>the developed world an unfair advantage over third world farmers.
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