Well let us wait, see and watch how the Kabaka responds to the UPCs overtures. I wonder how many "bakopis" exist in the UPC though, judging from your remarks, it appears, non. Anyway good luck to you as you put your grand plan of obtaining the Kabaka and the royals vote. If i were Museveni after this dialogue, i'd sleep easy.

Subject: Re: ugnet_: UPC backs Kabaka for political power
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 14:49:12 EST

In a message dated 2/21/2004 12:55:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> Matek, first of all you begin by insulting the Kabaka by implying that what
> moves him is money. In essence UPC is openly bribing the Kabaka for his >
> support. ( ..and how precisely is the UPC Bribing the Kabaka? Were is the
> UPC getting the monies to Bribe the Kabaka? Speaking of Funding the Kingdom,
> the KING himself stated clear that he lack the ability of conduct any
> meaningful project for the People of Buganda..why because he simply lack the
> fund, and NRM has refused for him to raise taxes on his Subjects..now why don't
> you question the KING's remark in this regard?

You are offering him money in exchange for him spitting on his
> father's grave, the late Kabaka of Buganda Edward Mutebi Muteesa. In short
> he would be embracing those who were responsible for the death of his father
> and who have never apologized for it, just for money. I am now telling you
> as a Muganda that he would be comitting political suiside. You see Matek you
> don't understand this because you don't understand the inner workings of the
> Buganda government. ( oh now our friend is the one who understands the
> inner working of Buganda government..please enlight fellow citizens about this
> inner workings of Buganda government since you have assess to Bulange)

I also percive that your intelectual perception of > Buganda and the Kabaka
> is very low i think that is because of how you were able to deceive the
> Kabaka and Buganda in the 60's hence your insulting postings about Buganda and
> Kabaka.
Now now wait a minute ... who is insulting the Kabaka..one who gives him
Biyoyo Bia Nsuwa..or one who wants to give him real authority?

Well Uganda and Buganda has changed since then, the Kabaka no longer has
> unconditional love in Buganda. The days when the Kabaka would make
> proclaimations and all Buganda would follow are over. I am sure the Ssebasanga and
> his royal subjects ( who are not BACOPIs like you) would love to challenge on
> this one...

> I think the Kabaka and Buganda government know that. In any event the
> timing
> of the UPC offer is very wrong and shows political naivety on the part of
> UPC and also desperation.

(oh so who appointed  you ( a MUKOPI)  to determine for the UPC when it is
time for the UPC to make it's political decision?


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