Rehema, i agree with you to some extent but take issue with you on the statement that "Globalization has never taken away African tribal/national identity". Of course it has done so and is doing so, more so now, and at an accelerated rate, due technology and economics. You only need to start by looking at yourself and then your children (if you've got any) to find out...cable television and other communication avenues are contributing to the fast erosion of african cultural norms add to that mixed marriages and other modern social arrangements. Ironically in Africa, the rural areas are normally the custodial areas of our traditions, yet these areas are the most backward...the trend now is to urbanize, but urbanizing means KFC, McDonalds, Cable TV, Foreign clothes, more English (with the right accent), Computers short; Urbanization = Mordernization = westernization....Sustainability of our African cultures at this rate is next to impossible. It's just a matter of time before the tide consumes us for being proud of your Ganda culture, i'm all for that, however, sometimes a little discretion is in order as to when and how you display your cultural pride because you could as well be accused of being insecure hence the over zealousness.

From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: RE:  Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 10:53:24 -0800 (PST)


I think that you need to cut down on dreaming! Globalization has never taken away African tribal/national identity. Where have you been?? But you are entitled to your own opinion. I have my own and I'm not anywhere ready to "cool down". I'm not mad or angry, I'm simply stating facts as percieved in the books of record.

I'm not ashamed of my Ganda identity and neither should other people be ashamed of theirs. What we need is for others to leave us and our identity alone in peace. If I praise my Ganda identity, I don't want to hear or see another person "offended". It is their right to get offened if they want, but if they try to rubb on me, I'm rubbing back! Simple and clear! That's the way the world works! If they want to praise their identities too, they can go ahead, I have no problem with that. The question however is, why do they have beef over my Ganda identity and expression??

I'm not going to waste my time trying to understand other people's psyches with their insecurities of identity in themselves. It is not my duty to act as a therapist for some identity insecure peoples of Uganda. Obote is a very good example of some Ugandans who are insecure with Ganda identity and expressions. Whenever we show appreciation in our culture, they get offended. Obote/UPC rubbed on us (Buganda) and therefore any sensible person who rub back! E.g the terrorists rub on the USA, and therefore the USA rubbs back. You need to learn these things.

However the good thing is that we have room for a reconciliation. Reconciliation would have to be that "they" will need to leave "our" identity alone. They will have to accept us and the way we are. We have no problem accepting them and the way they are. They have a problem with us! I'm very sure that Buganda will have no problem with Acholi or Lango's cultural identity. It only rubbs when someone from these areas as a president of Uganda carries out his insecurities into actions and rubbs on Buganda. E.g Obote.

Do I really need to get into this issue?? Do I really need to teach Ugandans to peacefully tolerant other Ugandans' cultural identities?? Why am I having this conversation?? Is it maybe that "they" are insecure. Do I have to do this?? I do not do therapy! Sorry!

Zakoomu R.

emmanuel musaazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
...seems like you guys are attempting to resolve too many issues at issues...your dialogue interests me,
however, as someone observing from the outside, inwards. I see your your
micro-conflict as a microcosm of broader conflicts taking place in different
arenas on the African continent, all revolving around
social/cultural/political issues..also represented are the very strong
unflexible opinions on both sides, which normally lead to unending
wars...i'll advise both camps seperately; Rehema (Buganda camp) vs others
(non-Baganda camp).

Firstly to the non-Baganda camp, i want you to understand that the love
Baganda have for Kabaka is more symbolic than personal, in other words,
Kabaka is loved because of what he represents, which is the whole Kiganda
culture and the territory which he has dominion over, when Babaganda see the
Kabaka they see a personification of their value system which is a big part
of who they are. So the relationship of Baganda to Kabaka is almost non-Baganda you may not appreciate it, but as Ugandans i urge
you to either accept it or live it alone. It's like the English and their
Queen....of course allegance of a people to cultural structures and norms is
also as a result of benefits percieved, experienced, imagined and/or
anticipated and normally this state of affairs is of historical proportions.

To the Baganda camp (Rehema) down woman..yes we are Baganda and we
love our Kabaka and indeed Buganda/Baganda have benefitted alot from the
Kiganda culture. However we are also Ugandans, we as Baganda need to to
sometimes step back and realize that we are Baganda in Uganda. I think
sometimes we tend to be over zealous in our celebration and/or expression of
our Kiganda culture to the point where our Ugandaness is questioned by
others. I for one believe that Buganda belongs in Uganda and therefore my
cultural pride as a Muganda must be tempered with a recognition that my
culture is one of many of whom i must also coexist with and tolerate. The
global trend (which is dictated by economics and technology) is
globalization, i.e. political/social/economic embracement, breaking down of
barriers, and as this phenomenon broadens, the definition of; a Muganda, a
Mucholi, a Munyankole or for that matter a black man will become more and
more vague. We need to therefore be aware of our environment even as we
voice and/or exhibit our cultural pride.

>From: Rehema Mukooza >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: ugnet_: Re: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin >Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 10:23:32 -0800 (PST) > >Oracha: > >How am I expossing how "rotten" Uganda is?? Museveni is not buying the >Kabaka, nor is the Kabaka begging Museveni. Mu7 is offering his gifts to >the Kabaka. Mr. Oracha learn to be a critical thinker! You need to learn >the difference between "buying", "begging", and "giving gifts". Keep >searching, use those brain cells, the differences are there. > >Zakoomu R. > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >In a message dated 3/6/2004 11:45:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, >[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >To discuss matters of interest to Buganda. That is not beggin'! Museveni >offers the gifts, he is not asked. How many political leaders can be >offered with gifts?? I told that offering gifts to our Kabaka is a matter >of tradition. Kabaka is a traditional leader and yes he will get more and >more gifts. Alumwa alumwe! >You are bogus. Empty. Sycophant. You do not love or respect any kabaka at >all. Stop fooling around because you are exposing how rotten Uganda has >become! >Oli musiro nyo! > >oracha

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