Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2004 2:09 PM
Subject: [Mwananchi] Some hope in Lira, Uganda

It is seven in the morning, and 20 children at small, Dutch-run
orphanage just outside the town of Lira in Uganda are saying their
prayers before sitting down to a silent meal of steaming porridge.

Innocent spoke of his loss to Andrew Harding

Among them is 13-year-old Innocent Odongo.

Three weeks ago he was living on the street. Alone, hungry, and in
mourning for the family he had just lost.

But today he is in good hands.

Innocent is surrounded by children who know what it is like to lose a

Beside him, 10-year-old Violet is busy feeding her baby brother,
Ivan. Their parents were also killed in a recent massacre by the
Lord's Resistance Army, a crazed militia which specialises in
kidnapping and brainwashing children.


It was during a violent protest against the latest Lords Resistance
Army massacre, at the end of February, that I bumped into Innocent.

Or rather he grabbed my hand and poured his heart out - telling me
how he'd watched his father being murdered.

"They killed him, they cut him and they killed him. I saw it. They
burnt my mother in the house, along with my brother. I lost my home
and my family. I can't do anything. I can't go back to my village,
there's war there. If I go back I will die."

Close to tears he added: "I was forced to sleep outside. And I come
here today without having eaten, with nothing in my stomach."

That was three weeks ago, and now Innocent is being well looked after
at the orphanage. He's also attending a nearby school.

Life has got a little better for Innocent

Love and support

A warm motherly figure, Grace Aye, is his matron.

"Innocent is very happy," she says, "and he's going to go to school,
he's an intelligent boy and I love him so much."

The orphanage is situated in the countryside. I asked her if she
feels safe.

"This area is safe," she tells me.

Well it is for the moment, but much of northern Uganda remains a war
zone. A few miles down the road from the orphanage, I found dozens of
families camped out in the open - they'd just fled from yet another
LRA atrocity.

Through an interpreter I spoke to a woman who told me that she'd lost
her husband, had nowhere to sleep, nothing to eat and no change of


An official turned up at the makeshift camp. He was holding a list of
the names of people who were killed recently.

"Ten people were massacred, including one woman," he said. "The
killings are going on not far away from here. These ones took place
about 22km from Lira on 8th March."

And what's so extraordinary about this conflict is that the killers
themselves - by and large - are children.

In the town of Lira, about 100 girls and boys sit in the shade -
singing earnestly about peace.

All of them were abducted by the LRA. A recent offensive by the
Ugandan army enabled these youngsters to escape.

Their stories beggar belief. One 14-year-old boy called Wilson told
me how he was abducted by the LRA and taken into the bush.

"I had to carry things, like a porter. Then I was made to kill a man
who tried to escape. They brought him back and I was told to beat him
to death," he says.

"So, along with others, I helped to beat him. But while I was beating
him, others were also beating us. I knew that if I didn't beat the
man that I would be killed myself. It took two hours to kill him."

Back at the orphanage, Innocent sits down on a step, and starts
tackling his homework. He, at least, has been spared the ordeal of
abduction. But his nightmares are not over yet - nor are Uganda's.

He tells me: "I feel so very bad when I think of my family. I will
not go back to my village until this war ends. We have suffered too
This orphanage outside Lira is a shining light, albeit small, in an
otherwise dark place. I saw the above on a BBC news report and
Innocent, who had lost his family in a very violent way, was being
cared for and living amongst other children who had suffered in a
similar way.
These children are being made to do things that no child should have
to do. They are also being deprived of their childhood. What they
have done will stay with them for a long time. This is tragic for
them all.

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