This news must have been exactly what the Acoli haters (amongs us) want.  However, let me clip their wings a little bit.  Here is the truth if it helps counter the innuendos implied by the highlighted text in pink further below.  Can some good Samaritan post this clarification on [EMAIL PROTECTED] since the original is also misinforming readers over there.

(Translation by me)
Diaspora Acholi do not support rebels - MP

Aruu MP County Otto Odonga has vehemently denied that he never said Acoli either in the Diaspora or in Uganda support Joseph Kony's LRA.  "I want to state clearly that the said utterances did not 'come from my mouth' and not only is it not true, but I was dumfounded to read it", Otto said.

In a letter Otto wrote to Ruping, he requests all Acholi to consider as manipulation those statements attributed to him.  Such utterances are designed by people who want to tarnish his reputation before people who have faith in him.

Otto further says the author of the article did not interview him.

He request newspaper publishers to publish accurate material regarding the crisis so that the suffering might come to an end quickly.

Otto wish to ask the people of Acholi to have strong resolve because he is such an example in the parliament.

Published on: Wednesday, 5th May, 2004
Acholi pe cwako adui-MP

MP me Aruu County Otto Odonga otyeko kwero woko lajwac ni en pe ewaco ni Acholi
ma i lobo ma woko onyo ma i Uganda cwako adui LRA pa Joseph Kony.
Amito waco kamaleng ni lok meno pe okato ki i doga dok pe obedo lok atir ma an
bene akwano ki wur,Otto owaco.
I waraga ma Otto ocoyo bot Rupiny, en olego Acholi weng pe me tero lok meno calo
lok ada dok omede ni kit coc meno rubu wi lwak ma tye ki gen i kome.
Otto owaco ni laco lok meno ocoyo lok ma pe openyo doge.
En olego luco gazeti me coyo lok matir ma dok kom kukukuku wek lweny otum oyot
wek lwak odok paco gi. Kubu lok atir piretek,Otto omede.
Otto olego lwak ducu ma i Acholi me bedo ki cwiny matek pien en bene etye ecung
woko nirit i Parliament.

Published on: Wednesday, 5th May, 2004

At 01:03 AM 5/6/2004 +0000, J Ssemakula wrote:
Aruu MP blames Acholi in diaspora of sustaining Kony

By Nathan Etengu in Mbale
The MP for Aruu county in Pader district has blamed the Acholi community in the diaspora for giving financial and material support to the LRA rebels in northern Uganda.

Odonga Otto (right) said the Acholi living abroad were responsible for the financial and material assistance that had sustained and helped the LRA to inflict untold suffering in the region.

Rupiny, a Luo weekly, quoted Odonga as having made the statement at Pader town council recently.

The rebellion that has taken long in Acholiland is fueled by our own children who are living abroad,” Rupiny quoted the MP in the issue of April 28-May 4.

Our own children abroad happily organise meetings in which they praise the LRA and send different kinds of support to the rebels to continue with the war,” he said.
He said while the Ac holi in the disaspora supported the rebellion, the government was also not committed to ending the insurgency.

“Government is using bad politics in the name of the Acholi to get financial aid from abroad,” he said.

New Vision: Wednesday, 5th May, 2004


If nothing else we now know without a doubt just who supports Kony. What we don't know is why. Can anyone enlighten us on this? What do they benefit and/or what do they hope to achieve by making their brethren suffer endlessly?

Ochan Otim
NB:  I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop the Northern Uganda carnage at:

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