End LRA War, Priests Ask President Bush

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New Vision (Kampala)

April 29, 2004 
Posted to the web April 29, 2004 

Patrick Jaramogi

The Comboni Missionaries on Monday appealed to the United States and Canada to take 
action to end the war in northern Uganda.

The call came after a resolution adopted by members of the North American Province of 
the Comboni Missionaries, who closed their annual provincial assembly in Cincinnati, 
Italy on Monday.

"For the past two decades, the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has employed hellish 
barbaric tactics against the civilian population of northern Uganda, principally the 
Acholi people," read the resolution in part.

The missionaries sent the resolution to US President George Bush (left), Canadian 
Prime Minister Paul Martin and the legislative bodies of both countries.

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East Africa 
United States, Canada and Africa 
Civil War and Communal Conflict 
It was accompanied with a cover letter jointly signed by provincial superiors the Rev. 
Denis Conway and Sr. Mariateresa Goffi.

They implored Bush and Martin to use their diplomatic power to press for the 
implementation of realistic policies to stop the violence and create the 
infrastructure for lasting peace.

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