The US role here is more like of "TEMBO THE ELEPHANT" or Yogi Bear! Trying to poke 
it's nose it what it really does not understand.


Rwanda,Uganda in talks 
By Grace Matsiko and Frank Nyakairu 
May 22, 2004

KAMPALA - The United States last week convened a meeting between Uganda, Rwanda and DR 
Congo to discuss regional insecurity. The talks held on Friday were facilitated by the 
State Department in Washington. 

Uganda and Rwanda have said rebel groups fighting their governments were reorganising 
in eastern DR Congo. The UN says Rwanda has redeployed troops in DR Congo, but the 
Kigali government denies the allegation. 

Rwanda instead accuses DR Congo of not stopping Interahamwe militia activities, which 
threaten the Kigali government. The Ugandan intelligence last week reported that the 
Peopleâs Redemption Army (PRA), were reorganising to attack Uganda from its eastern 
DR Congo bases. 

The Government says PRA is led by lieutenant colonels Samson Mande, Anthony Kyakabale 
and Col. Edison Muzoora. Ugandaâs Defence Minister, Amama Mbabazi, Rwandaâs 
Foreign Affairs minister, Charles Murigande and their counterpart from the DRC 
attended the Washington meeting.

âHon. Amama Mbabazi attended. He has not given me a feedback,â acting Foreign 
Affairs minister, Tom Butime said on Wednesday. The UN Special Representative to the 
DR Congo, Mr Lacy Swing, attended the talks. 

A statement from the UN on Wednesday said the talks would lead to the normalisation of 
relations among the three countries. Swing heads the United Nations Mission in DRC 

The Monuc spokesman Hamadoun Tourà told journalists in Kinshasa, at the weekend, that 
normalisation of relations between neighbouring countries was part of the September 
declaration in New York.

He said an inquiry panel was expected in DRCâs eastern town of Bunia to investigate 
sexual abuses allegedly committed by Monuc personnel in the Ituri province. 

 2004 The Monitor Publications

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