Homosexuality is a CHOICE.
A guy may be born effeminate (i.e. with excess estrogen) and a woman with
excess testosterone that predispose them to act more feminine or masculine,
(both of which can be corrected by intake of the appropriate hormones if so
required), but homosexuality is learned behaviour and the choice to be
homosexual is conscious and deliberate.

Girls that are masculine are termed Tomboys and boys that are effeminate are
called Sissies, but most of us outgrow these tendencies caused by excesses
of opposing hormones as we reach puberty and beyond.

As babies/infants some children display their sexual consciousness by
touching themselves in what we deem inappropriate areas, and adults have the
capacity to make choices to deter them from continuing.

Gender direction is practiced to encourage children to lean towards their
own gender, but the fact that a girl likes playing with train sets or a boy
with dolls does not automatically mean they have homosexual tendencies. They
simply just LIKE those toys.

Children in puberty as teenagers again discover their sexuality and this
sexual consciousness can go either way based on what circumstances they are
exposed to. A child not well informed can learn from her/his peers and in
exploration can easily be misguided.

Situational choices that cause girls and boys or young women and men to be
boarded together either in high school, military bases etc. sometimes hinder
and change their sexual preferences because of the choices available to
them; and sometimes people who explore and have enjoyed their newly found
experiences decide to continue in that path.

Some then choose to camouflage their dual tendencies by having relationships
with, and sometimes even marrying people of their opposite sex (i.e. the
closet bisexuals and homosexuals); while some have sufficient confidence to
accept that they do indeed enjoy certain sexual activities more than others
and declare their sexual preferences and choices as thus (gay men and

The fact that the anal canal has sensitive nerves do not mean it was
designed for sexual intercourse (regardless of the genders involved). There
are other more or equally sensitive body parts in the human anatomy, but
individual choices are made as to what we choose to do with them. Like
someone once said even animals do not mate with same sex animals.

People for whatever reasons make conscious decisions to partake in
homosexual activities, and even if the initial act was unsought (such as
through sodomy, rape, coercion, intimidation, manipulation or just plain
simple experiment, etc.) they are solely responsible for choosing to
continue along that path.

The fact that you find same gender people attractive does not mean you 'want
to' or 'have to' explore that attraction. The fact that one CHOOSES to
engage in intimate sexual relationships with people of the same gender is
thus a conscious decision.

No proven medical evidence presently exists to state otherwise.

© cxsm 2004


How difficult can it be for people to strongly draw the dichotomy between
fighting for civil rights (i.e., rights of all peoples, races, genders, old
and young, weak and strong, the healthy and the sick, full-bodied and the
handicapped) AND fighting for a chosen way of life, such as gay rights,
marijuana use rights, kleptomaniac, alcohol use rights, et cetera?

While it may be politically expedient to combine forces to achieve a human
goal in the face of tyranny, it must be understood that the noble message of
civil rights is greatly diluted when people scramble human rights with
behavioral rights.


Someone stated that "There are homosexuals in Nigeria and the white man
didn't create them." Is this a known fact, or a perceived opinion?
You also asked "Don't you think that when you embrace a lifestyle, you are
embracing the "beliefs and morality" that go with it?"

Considering the white man played a long and active role in the colonization
of Nigeria, who is to say the acts and deeds that occurred during that
period? You may never be too sure, unless the research is done to rule that
possibility out.

Why should it be so far-fetched as a possibility considering some people of
predominantly one race are also known to partake in bestiality? Makes you
wonder how aids first discovered in the U.S. migrated all the way to Africa
to affect a monkey, and then begin spreading to humans in Africa.

Aids is not airborne as has been proven, so though we may all wish to keep
mum as to how it got transferred to a monkey and ultimately to other humans
one can only wonder. hmmmmmm!!!

Considering not all so-called foreigners that claim to go on missionary
pilgrimages to the interior regions of Africa, actually carry out their
stated missions, (some are predators and pedophiles), one can only wonder
how many sodomized boys turned gay in Africa due to their early-life
experiences. hmmmm!!!
Accordingly, one has to wonder why the incidents of aids seem more prevalent
in these same interior regions. Lack of education about the use of condoms
for safe protection can't be the only reason the numbers are so high,
considering these same people had sexual encounters unprotected before the
flood of aids.

If not for the advent of the information age, would we even hear, let alone
know of the ongoings of these types of incidents.

Just wondering aloud. It's good to be open-minded 'cos life is full of
possibilities. hmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!

© cxsm 2004

Addendum 2

I believe God made woman for man and not any of the other variations that
are out there. For whatever reasons anyone chooses a sexual lifestyle that
is beneficial to them, that is their personal choice, and we leave God to be
the judge.

But at the same time I don't appreciate anyone's sexual antics (straight or
homosexual) being put in my face. While everyone has a right to be respected
for their sexual choices, they should not air it out in public if they do
not want to experience the public's reactions and feedback. Also, we should
NOT confuse civil rights with social rights. Some issues belong solely
behind closed doors.

>From the religious standpoint YES, God does condemn homosexuality and that
is why he destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah. From the biological standpoint the
male and female organs were created to accommodate one another. From the
social standpoint people knew it was morally unacceptable and that was the
reason why people who practiced homosexuality and bisexuality hid their acts
in the closet until it became politically correct and acceptable to do
>From the politically correct standpoint you can do it with the same sex,
children, the elderly/handicapped in nursing homes, your best
friend/neighbour's spouse, animals, the dead, inanimate objects, electrical
devices, vegetables, etc. This court has no earthly judge, anything goes.

People have a tendency to accept and eventually conform to attitudes in
their faces daily (except they are disciplined enough) so for those who
think such acts do not affect society, so 'why make a fuss about it?', it's
worthy of thought.
Recently, it was revealed that kids in 10th grades are openly having oral
sex and see nothing wrong with it. Those willing to talk about it said they
learnt about it from their peers, and that was the in-thing. Some even
referred to reasoning based on the exposed acts of the past leader of the
U.S. and attitudes that prevailed in society thereafter.
This obviously is a learned behaviour, and to put it bluntly, no one was
born with a sexual organ in their mouth, neither was anyone born with
something stuck up their behind.

In answer to comments previously made regarding homosexuality not
originating from the U.S. (which is not what I stated), I may concur (since
I have no evidence to prove or disprove this); but my point was that the
West, moreso the U.S. is leading the world in the ACCEPTANCES of previously
immoral and other such deemed acts.
A lot of stuff that the U.S. media is transmits worldwide would probably
never be transmitted as local productions in many countries worldwide.

Also, while I remember, I neither said nor inferred that Nigeria should
censor its TV shows to block out acts they deemed immoral emanating from the
U.S. What I said was that some countries presently do, and I only asked
questions as to how we could tackle the influx of material we may deem
inappropriate for our children.

With all the uproars about marriage between people of the same sex, we all
know that legally marriage is defined as a union between man and woman, but
in this politically correct age, in order not to offend others, we condone
acts that we otherwise wouldn't.

There are all kinds of suggestions out there, but has anyone thought about
the effect of legalized same sex marriages on society in terms of TAXES.
Couples pay significantly less than singles and should this pass, who's
going to be left holding the bucket. Someone would have to make up the
Tax-shortage, in order to keep Unc. Sam happy and eventually reduce
America's deficits.

We should all try to think outside the box, and not just get caught in
social hooplas. Presently, availability of affordable insurance is rapidly
being eradicated. Grocery workers in California just ended a 5 month strike
to assure they would have affordable insurance. With insurance companies
always redefining what is acceptable, high risk, etc., who would be left
substituting resulting higher insurance premiums, so the insurance companies
can still laugh all the way to the bank.

Sometimes, life just ain't fair and sometimes we have to pay for
repercussions of the choices we make or help make, so before we make this a
sentimental issue, we need to weigh all the related issues as to how it
would in fact affect society at large, either directly, indirectly or

Just my 2 cents on this.

© cxsm 2004

The subject of homosexuality is also covered in the New Testament in Romans
1:24-27, apart from in Levicticus 18:22 and Lev. 20:13.

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