If this is the case, then how safe is Ugandas' norther fronties - when Uganda cannot 
fight no more. I wonder if Garanga will forever keep the peace.

We are in big trouble - now that the congolese can beat up embassdors. Congo is 
boiling not yet are melting point  but they say it is Ugandas mistake!


From: LilQT4851 
Subject: ugnet_: (no subject) 
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 18:42:47 -0700 

Time running out in Sudan

Published July 30, 2004

While most of the world dithers and debates, the slaughter continues in the western 
Sudanese province of Darfur.

This week African Union monitors reported that on July 3 the Darfurian town of Suleia 
was attacked by government-supported militias that shackled villagers and burned them 

On the same day of the atrocities in Suleia, United Nations Secretary General Kofi 
Annan exacted a promise from the Sudanese government to rein in the killer Janjaweed 
militias and facilitate access of humanitarian aid to the estimated 1 million people 
forced into refugee camps and others displaced in Darfur.

Annan also convened a summit in Ghana on Thursday to seek "African solutions" to the 
various humanitarian crises in the continent, including the one in Sudan. Annan also 
made an urgent appeal to donor countries to increase their aid for humanitarian 
efforts in Darfur.

Sudan has issued defiant statements against international intervention.

Yet that is precisely what is needed--a series of steps by the world community to 
compel Sudan to abide by the Annan agreement, disarm the Janjaweed and prosecute its 

There is not great reason to be optimistic that that will happen.

In the last week, the U.S. has proposed three UN resolutions to place sanctions and 
arms embargoes against Sudan. Russia and China, among other Security Council members, 
have balked at the threat of military or economic sanctions. Russia reportedly wants 
to protect its profitable sale of warplanes to Sudan, while China fears risking its 
access to Sudanese oil.

The latest resolution, presented Thursday, softens the language to a warning that 
Sudan would face unspecified measures if it does not follow the Annan plan within 30 
days. The European Union backs the U.S. initiative. But Russia and China, joined by 
Pakistan, want to give Sudan more time to comply.

More time for what? The 18-month conflict has killed 30,000 people, forced 1 million 
people into refugee camps and left 2.2 million others in dire need of food and medical 

Waiting only promises to deliver more death and misery. As the rainy season 
approaches, and it becomes more difficult to bring in humanitarian supplies, the death 
toll could reach 350,000, according to relief agencies.

Thus far, Sudan has not moved to comply with international demands to stop the killing 
in Darfur. The world must impose economic sanctions and an arms embargo, with the 
implicit threat that military intervention could be in the offing.

Military action against the largest country in Africa would be difficult. It would 
have to be an international effort, with African support. Indeed, Secretary of State 
Colin Powell has said such action is premature. But the makings are there for such an 
effort. Britain, Australia and New Zealand have said they'd be willing to contribute 
to a force to protect Darfurian refugees from the Janjaweed marauders. EU nations 
might be persuaded to participate. The African Union could increase the 300 troops it 
has deployed to protect its observers.

The situation in Darfur grows only more extreme. Without forceful international 
action, dreadful results seem certain.



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