Peter Okello ends this letter with a very important question!!

"Lwaki Kabaka alonda abayindi natafa ku bantu baffe Abanyankole e Ssembabule, Abanubbi e Bombo etc.....?"


Kabaka’s move in appointing members of other races is great, but a trifle too late!

SIR— I wish to join other Ugandans in thanking Kabaka Ronald Mutebi for his wise decision to include Ugandans of other races in the kingdom’s cabinet.

This can only go a long way to prove that the king cares for all his subjects regardless of their race, tribe, religion, sex and creed. The fact that the Banyala finally found one of their own in the kingdom’s cabinet, even though it came as a result of some recent pressures, must be highly commended.

How I wish one or two Baruuli were also appointed into the kingdom’s cabinet. Perhaps this would act as a conciliatory gesture to the aggrieved Baruuli who got finally driven into installing their own cultural leader after feeling neglected for too long by Mengo.

Lastly, I would like to appeal that in future, the Kabaka also consider appointing into his cabinet Ugandans from other ethnic groups who, for historical reasons have found themselves living for several generations in Buganda.

I am refer ring to minority groups like the Bahima who predominate Sembabule, the Nubians in Bombo, the Bakenyi and others.

Peter Okello

Published on: Tuesday, 25th January, 2005

I'm thinking of  a God very different from the God of the Christian and the God of Islam, because both are depicted as omnipotent Oriental despots, cosmic Saddam Husseins."   Philosopher  Antony Flew 1922 - .

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